OTIP Member Login

Some OTIP plan members have reported receiving an email from OTIP Service Notification and sender ottipinsurance to verify their account. This email is not from OTIP. If you are unsure about an email, please follow your employer’s procedures and/or report the email to their Service Desk or Information Security Team.
Please verify your ID and/or Date of Birth. Contact us at 1-888-521-0023 if you require assistance.

If yes, please log in instead.

Frequently Asked Questions

I am a CUPE member. Where do I find my OTIP Identification number?
I am a first-time user. How do I log in?
I am a returning user. How do I log in?
What should I do if I forgot my password?
I have been locked out of my account, or my account has been suspended. How do I regain access?